There are many similarities between communicating in person and using technology. One way is that you are both are talking.When I text I am talking to someone, and I am also talking face to face. You have to be careful of what you say in person and in texting. One time I was talking with someone and I was talking with them in person and they knew it was a joke and when I said it on my phone they took it the wrong way. In person and in texting you are both staying in touch. These are many similarities.
Communicating using technology and in person have many differences. One difference is that you can back away in texting but in person you can’t back away.You also have to respond back. One time I was talking with someone and I didn’t answer back and they got mad at me. In person you show your emotion and in texting you use emojies. My friend put a crying face and I thought that I made him sad. These are many differences of communicating in person and technology.